Discover the definitive commercial aviation carbon calculator

IBA NetZero is the most advanced aviation finance-focused emissions analytics suite available. IBA NetZero gives you the power to understand the risks and opportunities associated with decarbonising commercial aviation.


获取超过 75,000+ 架飞机和发动机的价值数据

3500 万

每年跟踪 3500 万次的飞行信息


每年增加超过 165,000 次的航空事件


由拥有 500 多年专业经验的团队管理

Unparalleled insights on aviation CO2 emissions

Combining IBA’s proprietary fuel-burn intelligence and integrating advanced scenario modelling, IBA NetZero provides answers to the biggest questions in sustainable finance: 


  • What are my emissions by aircraft, fleet and route and how do they compare to the competition?

  • What level of decarbonisation can fleet renewal achieve?

  • What strategies do my I need to employ to hit decarbonisation targets?

  • What will the true cost of my decarbonisation strategy be?


IBA NetZero is your benchmark for aviation emissions analysis, supporting your ESG reporting, sustainably linked finance goals and long-term strategic planning.


Request a demo today

So, how can you turbocharge your analysis with IBA NetZero?

Project and map CO2 emissions scenarios over time

Build detailed ‘What if’ scenarios, mapping the CO2 and financial implications of key sustainability initiatives, from rebalancing your fleet to the gradual implementation of Sustainable Aviation Fuels. 

Understand the financial impacts of ESG

Take a deep dive into the costs of regulatory and voluntary decarbonisation programmes, understanding the financial implications of regulation and your own decisions.

Get a fully customisable aircraft COanalysis

Infer the future popularity of all major commercial aircraft types based on their efficiency. Customise both real and hypothetical aircraft types, tracking the impact of enhancements such as winglets and seat configuration.

Map a realistic pathway to net zero emissions

Model customised scenarios, mapping the impact of sustainability initiatives over time. Define your glidepath and mitigation strategies to reach net zero emissions by a specified date.


Carbon Emissions Index

Get regular, monthly updates on the most efficient aircraft, airlines and lessors with IBA's Carbon Emissions Index. We track key developments across ESG, and share our experts' perspectives on the latest news. 


Find out more

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