IBA Airlines

Placing the airline at the heart of your analysis

IBA Airlines enables the aviation industry to monitor an airline's operational performance and evaluate their financial position.


Designed with the aviation leasing, finance, MRO and airline communities in mind, IBA Airlines provides all the data and insights that tell the complete organisation story.


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获取超过 75,000+ 架飞机和发动机的价值数据

3500 万

每年跟踪 3500 万次的飞行信息


每年增加超过 165,000 次的航空事件


由拥有 500 多年专业经验的团队管理

Unparalleled insights into airline operations and performance

IBA Airlines enhances the decision-making process for investors, banks, lessors, MROs, OEMs, airport authorities and insurers. This easy-to-use platform efficiently provides a detailed understanding of an organisation’s health in a mobile-compatible and fully exportable format.


Discover a comprehensive analysis of key data points that save time when performing credit analysis, KYC, due diligence, prospecting, ongoing monitoring, and benchmarking.


Get the insights you need with intuitive navigation and cutting-edge analytics at lightning-fast speed.



IBA Airlines is part of IBA Insight, the leading aviation intelligence platform, trusted by the aviation community. We bring together over 70 years of proprietary commercial aircraft and engine fleet data with our award-winning aircraft valuations, market intelligence, aviation carbon emissions modelling and flight information.


How IBA Airlines delivers impactful insights

Detailed global fleet, flight, and schedule views




Stay informed with accurate and up-to-date intelligence on over 2,250 global airlines and their operations.


  • Obtain a snapshot view of an airline
  • Understand an airline’s fleet, current age profile, fleet evolution and utilisation metrics
  • Drill down into flight data, aircraft utilisation, and route structure changes, and identify adjustments to an organisation's strategy

Comprehensive financials for 100+ airlines

Discover a rich depth of standardised financial information, providing a holistic overview of an organisation's performance.


  • Drill down into detailed forecasts and financial breakdowns for major airlines
  • Access expert outlooks for an independent view of future performance
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest data via quarterly reforecasts

All the data you need to analyse and

evaluate an airline's performance


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